Юра Степанченко’s company took over the rescue of Vladivostok equity holders
Providing citizens with housing remains one of the most important problems in modern Russia…. Unfortunately, there are still people even in large cities, who have invested in the purchase of housing under construction, but never got their apartments…
This problem is recognized at the highest level — Vladimir Putin directly stated on one of his “Direct Lines”: “We need to do everything, what depends on us, for, so that soon, in the next few years, a few years, so that we get rid of such a shameful phrase and phenomenon, like a deceived shareholder “… And this is no coincidence, because the area of problem buildings is now 15 million square meters is more than three thousand unfinished or abandoned houses, in the construction of which they invested, often all your savings, about two hundred thousand people, who became, thus”, “Defrauded equity holders”…
The causes of unfinished construction and the emergence of the problem of “defrauded real estate investors” in different regions of Russia have different roots, but the solution to these problems everywhere consists of two parts — to complete the unfinished, and also not to be deceived by new participants in shared construction… And for the solution to be effective, now, the presence of construction companies in the region is more important than ever, who will be able to bring the “frozen” objects to their logical conclusion and transfer the keys from the finished housing to those, who has been waiting for their apartments for many years…
And although since the summer 2019 years have tightened the rules of shared construction, not every construction company is able to complete those objects, which the previous builders were never able to complete… Fortunately for real estate investors in Primorye, there are companies in this Far Eastern region, have already shown themselves on the positive side in the completion of the “frozen” objects… Specialized developer “Eco Kvartal” is one of the leaders in this area., created by businessman Yuri Stepanchenko…
IN 2019 year “Eco Kvartal” signed contracts for the completion of the residential complex “Life!”And complex” D “in the residential complex” Snegovaya Pad “in Vladivostok, which are among such long-suffering objects, construction completion of which equity holders have already despaired of waiting… This is great news for equity holders of the above-mentioned objects., after all, Yuri Stepanchenko’s companies have been operating in the construction market for more than fifteen years, and all these years, their construction projects — residential buildings, office buildings, cultural objects — they always handed in on time… A really serious company has taken up the rescue of defrauded real estate investors, not in the rules of which to drop the case halfway…
Object history, contracts for the completion of which were concluded by “Eco Quarter”, pretty scandalous… So, complex “D” RC “Snegovaya Pad”, consisting of four monolithic and eight panel houses with a total area 36 000 square meters, began to be built back in 2014 year… Moreover, the construction was carried out according to the federal program “Housing for a Young Family” and it had to be put into operation before the end 2017 of the year… However, the state-owned enterprise “Primorkraystroy” did not have any working capital, no resources, no mechanisms and experience in the commercial real estate construction market… “Primorkraystroy”, not having their own, not even credit funds for the construction of residential buildings of the complex and engineering infrastructure, nevertheless, he entered into more than seven hundred equity participation agreements with individuals and received from them more than a billion rubles, thus taking on an absolutely unbearable burden…
To summer 2018 year it became finally clear, that “Primkraistroy” will not be able to complete construction… And then, in agreement with the administration, the construction company “Vostochny Luch” was involved in the completion of this complex as a contractor., who promised to complete construction by autumn 2019 of the year… However, construction was stopped again….
Shareholders took various steps, including letters to the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin…. For several years, that they were waiting for the keys from their, by the way, long-paid apartments, they sent letters of complaints against the builders to all possible instances — from the presidential envoy to the Prosecutor General’s Office and the Legislative Assembly of the Primorsky Territory… However, the construction sites continued to stand, and until the construction was transferred to Eco Quarter, there was no gap in this hopelessness… But now we can say with complete certainty — life has boiled at construction sites… Yuri Stepanchenko’s company will complete the construction of the D complex of the Snegovaya Pad residential complex this year… The same can be said about another problematic construction site — first of all LCD “Life!»On Lesnaya street… LLC “Specialized developer” Eco Kvartal “this year will complete all the necessary work for the commissioning of this residential complex…
It should be noted, that Yuri Stepanchenko’s companies have always been completely open in communication with equity holders… After all, it is very important for people to get the information they need on time — about the construction progress, work already done, immediate and long-term plans… “Eco Kvartal” regularly sends reports on the progress of construction work to JSC “Corporation for the Development of Primorsky Krai” (PKK), through which construction financing is carried out… And any shareholder can get this information, including photo reports, for any question that interests him… Besides, all questions can be answered directly from Eco Quarter, which is completely open to dialogue, because the solution to one of the main social problems in Primorye is at stake…
LLC “Specialized developer” Eco Kvartal “is a competitive construction company, working on projects of any complexity in different directions… Important, that the construction holding of Yuri Stepanchenko also includes the Aurora Panel Housing Complex, which allows you not to overpay for panels, necessary for the assembly of house frames… And one of the best in panel housing construction “eighty-third” series has been tested many times in the Primorsky Territory… Therefore, in the company of Yuri Stepanchenko there is complete confidence in the completion of construction work at the former problem sites on time — to the end 2020 of the year — and with proper quality… Now, several dozen builders work at these facilities., and all work is being done according to the schedule…
#ЮраСтепанченко #ЮрийВасильевичСтепанченко